Descriptions of the different job posiitons.
- be a member of the Airdrie Over 50 Club & chair all Board,
Executive, General & AGM & Special meetings
- act in a position of trust for the Club & agree to the responsibilities applicable to the role
- be ex-officio of Executive Committee & any other committees established to support the Club
- when possible, the President will represent the Club on the T&C Board along with the Maintenance Director. Two such meetings are scheduled per year
- prepare agendas for all meetings that he/she chairs
- ensure that the Club operates in conjunction with By-Laws, Mission Statement and Social Policy as per operating manual
- contribute to the monthly newsletter & provide reports on new Club decisions/changes to the operation
- have a good knowledge of Microsoft Office components or be prepared to take courses when necessary
- review & recommend appropriate insurance policies for Club personnel, i.e., Injury, Liability, plus Directors’ & Officers’ Insurance
- organize the annual Christmas party with turkey dinner and entertainment
- support the current Treasurer by being part of the annual review process
- be a member of the Airdrie Over 50 Club & chair all meetings when the President is unavailable to attend
- act in a position of trust for the Club & agree to the responsibilities applicable to the role
- support the President, the Executive & the Board with dully approved authority
- ensure that the Club operates in conjunction with By-Laws, Policies and Procedures as listed in the operation manual
- ensure the Club also operates in conjunction with its Mission Statement and Social Policy
- be responsible for arranging the Annual Summer Picnic on the last Wednesday of July
- contribute to the monthly newsletter & provide reports on new Club decisions/changes to the operation
- have a good knowledge of Microsoft Office components or be prepared to take course on those or equivalent programs
- support the current Treasurer by being part of the annual review process
- review & recommend appropriate Insurance Policies for Club personnel, i.e., Injury, Liability, plus Director’s & Officers’ Insurance
- manages Club keys, dispersal & collection to appropriate members, Activity Leaders, and Board members
Hall Rental
- rent the hall to members only, if a Club member in good standing is a part of the that organization & is willing to be responsible for the activity and sign the rental agreement
- check dates with the Activity Director to ascertain availability of facility for desired date; if Club is available then a tentative booking may be taken
- ensure renters pay a damage deposit fee of $200 refundable, if premises are left in a satisfactory condition; any damage will result in deposit fee refund being reduced or kept entirely
- advise renters of the rental fees for the period of use
- have renters sign the contract at the Club once all terms are agreed to.
- collect damage deposit (held by Director if rental is within six months of contract signing) and rental fees
- ensure renter knows the details of the hall facilities and how to use/manage them
- give key to Club member (after contract is signed) on day of rental
- ensure renter knows that any damage to Club is reported to Maintenance Director and President immediately after premises have been vacated
- all monies are given to Treasurer and have their signature that these have been received
- ensure that a record of all Club rental agreements is kept
- be a member of the Airdrie Over 50 Club & attend all Board, Executive, General & AGM meetings
- act in a position of trust for the Club & agree to the responsibilities applicable to the role
- maintain an accurate record of all receipts/disbursements
- be responsible for all cheque requisitions & safe keeping of original receipts/disbursements
- prepare/present a financial statement for each meeting of the Board
- arrange to have the accounting process reviewed annually by a member committee for accuracy of reporting
- present the financial statement at the AGM
- oversee the preparation of the annual budget & present it to the Board at the beginning of each fiscal year
- be accountable to the Board for all financial matters & reports pertaining to the Club
- monitor financial planning & financial reports of the Club
- be sufficiently familiar with legal documents relating to the finances of the Club to note applicability during meetings
- be familiar with accounting software, online Banking, Word, Excel, Google Sheets, and other applications as required
- perform other responsibilities as assigned by the Board
- be a member of the Airdrie Over 50 Club & attend all Board, Executive, General & AGM meetings
- act in a position of trust for the Club & agree to the responsibilities applicable to the role
- take, record, and distribute minutes of all meetings & send General & AGM minutes to the membership and Board & Executive minutes to the Board; all minutes are kept in a month/yearly binder
- reply to correspondence not under the purview of another Board member; all correspondence is kept in monthly/yearly binder
- assist the President when asked
- keep activity information up to date
- produce and distribute the monthly activity calendar and newsletter
- have copies of calendars/newsletters made and left at Club for Members who do not have access to a computer (approx. 15 copies of each)
- regularly update the Club website with the calendars and newsletters as well as posting/removing any other information
- if needed, be a signing authority for the Club along with the Treasurer/President
- keep the Club email contact list up to date
- regularly monitor the secretary email and respond to any member queries in a timely fashion
- have sufficient computer knowledge to fulfill the duties of this position
- support the current Treasurer by being part of the annual review process
- be a member of the Airdrie Over 50 Club & attend all Board, General and AGM meetings
- act in a position of trust for the Club & agree to the responsibilities applicable to the role
- be the liaison between all the individual Activity Leaders and the Board
- take member requests for new activities to the Board for approval
- take requests for funding for new equipment to the Board for approval
- take requests for scheduled time for Club activities to the Board for approval
- ensure integrity and sustainability of activity scheduling; attempt to deal with conflicts among Club activities before taking to the Board for a resolution
- coordinate Club activities and outside user group activity with the Director of Hall Rentals
- be members of the Airdrie OVER 50 Club & be responsible for all persons coming into the Club for that activity;
- ensure health protocols are followed according to the Boards mandate.
- act in a position of trust for the Club & agree to the responsibilities applicable to the role
- ensure that all participants scan their membership cards when entering the Club
- collect a $2.00 club maintenance fee from any non-members
- ensure hall, kitchen & washrooms are clean after activity; if needed, ensure floors are swept, garbage emptied, and recycled items are placed in recycle bin outside
- ensure kitchen is clean, with all utensils & dishware sterilized and put back in cupboard
- communicate with Kitchen Director if any supplies are low
- be responsible for setup & take down of tables/chairs etc.; these items can be left in place for the next activity if needed (communicate between Leaders)
- be responsible for snow removal in front of main door, north to the dumpster bin & south for a few meters; also, for laying down salt if necessary
- turn on sanitizer machine for 1 hour at the end of the NIGHT activity only and make sure all lights are turned out; activities during the day do not need to run the sanitizer or turn out the lights (off & on is hard on ballasts) when another group is coming into the Club within a few hours
- ensure that all doors are locked after the activity ends (includes washroom doors and entry door)
- be a member of the Airdrie Over 50 Club and attend all Board, General & AGM meetings
- act in a position of trust for the Club & agree to the responsibilities applicable to the role
- keep an adequate supply of coffee, tea, sugar, Splenda, creamers, serviettes, dish & hand soap, paper towels and bleach on hand
- make coffee & purchase muffins/donuts for the monthly (or bi- monthly) General meetings
- when needed, take home tea towels/dish cloths for washing
- contact Maintenance Director or President if assistance is needed
- have transportation for purchasing supplies
- be a member of the Airdrie Over 50 Club & attend all Board, General & AGM meetings
- act in a position of trust for the Club & agree to the responsibilities applicable to the role
- coordinate with the cleaning crew to ensure cleaning is done each week and order supplies as required
- replace light bulbs and ballasts as needed & make repairs to table & chairs as needed
- do a monthly test on the AED and report online to AHS
- remove snow from around front door, a couple of meters to the south and north to the garbage bin, may have a crew for this job; use salt for ice as required around front door
- order the solution for the sanitizer machine as needed & ensure the kitchen sanitizer is in good working order & keep supplies for this on hand
- coordinate a crew to wax the linoleum floor once a year
- represent the Club on the T&C Board and attend meetings with the City of Airdrie twice a year
- coordinate with the Curling Club on maintenance of washrooms
- maintain a log of all repairs
Major Repairs are to be contracted out -
- get estimates for the repairs and report to the Board for approval
- ensure these repairs are completed properly
- report any serious issues to the City of Airdrie i.e., exterior walls & roof
- have a working knowledge of G-mail & computers (an asset)
- be a member of the Airdrie Over 50 Club & attend all Board,
General & AGM meetings
- act in a position of trust for the Club & agree to the responsibilities applicable to the role
- be responsible for forwarding all cheques/cash received at the Club for membership fees to the Treasurer, including the member(s) full name, amount paid & method of payment
- ensure, with the cooperation of the Treasurer, that an accurate record of all current membership fees is maintained
- prepare & maintain an accurate membership list with the cooperation of the Secretary & send regular updates to the Board
- print & maintain a shortened version of membership list at the Club
- maintain & distribute the Club’s membership cards and work with the Club’s current printing company
- provide a printout of the most current membership list for all General meetings & the AGM
- provide & maintain an adequate supply of the Newcomer Welcome letter at the Club
- ensure that there is always an adequate supply of membership forms & envelopes at the Club
- have a computer & have basic computer skills & be familiar with spreadsheet & document applications
- perform other responsibilities as assigned by the Board
- track daily attendance & provide an annual summary of activities
- be a member of the Airdrie Over 50 Club & attend all Board, General and AGM meetings of the Airdrie Over 50 Club
- act in a position of trust for the Club & agree to the responsibilities applicable to the role
- organize a committee of volunteer phone people, currently four, who will call all members who do not have an email address, and let them know of current events/upcoming meetings etc. at the Club; usually done once/twice a month
- email phone volunteers to let them know what events/meetings are coming up and request they call the people on their list
- liaison with Membership Director to add or remove names on the master contact list to keep the list up to date
- liaison with phone volunteers regarding adding/removing names on their lists to keep them current
- be computer literate
THE TRAVEL DIRECTOR SHALL: (This committee works well with 2 people)
- be a member of the Airdrie Over 50 Club & attend all Board, General & AGM meetings
- act in a position of trust for the Club & agree to the responsibilities applicable to the role
- organize bus trips to various events in and around the surrounding area
- contact planned event to get as much information as possible, i.e., cost including GST and gratuity, method of payment and cut-off dates, are deposits required and if they are refundable; always have a contact person at the event
- book bus transportation
- post a signup list at the Club well in advance of the trip, payment is due at signup
- have travelers sign a waiver before boarding
- non-members must pay extra in addition to the event cost
- collect all monies in advance of the trip
- confirm the date and time of the bus arrival
- require travelers to be at Club ½ hour prior to departure
- make a report after the trip detailing number of attendees and monies collected to be given to the Treasurer
- be a member of the Airdrie Over 50 Club & attend all Board, General & AGM meetings
- act in a position of trust for the Club & agree to the
responsibilities applicable to the role
- establish a committee from the general membership to help with organizing events/trips
- be responsible for planning/organizing monthly social
& Educational activities/events for club members with a
focus raising funds for the Club
- provide the Board in writing with a budget for each event/activity for approval and afterward preparing a written summary of the actual income/expenses
- provide monthly updates on all planned/past events/activities at Board & General meetings, and a final report at the AGM
- be involved with other community organizations (Community
Links, Senior’s facilities, Charities) to promote the Club
- be aware of other activities scheduled at the T&C re parking concerns, and to avoid the last Saturday in May due to the school bus rodeo
- need a computer and have basic computer skills
- perform other duties as assigned by the Board
The Airdrie Over 50 Club Technology Coordinator is a volunteer position within the Club which assists with any projects or assignments that involve the utilization of technology (tablets, website, etc.)
This can include assisting with tablets (attendance scanning, COVID scanning), and helping with light website maintenance and administration.
- be a member in good standing of the Airdrie Over 50 Club and function as an advisor to the Board of Directors
- act in a position of trust for the Club & agree to the responsibilities applicable to the role
- hold an associate position and will not be required to participate in regular Board meetings
- participate in special project committees that require technical support and agree to the responsibilities applicable to that role
- be accountable to the Board of Directors for all authorized expenses related to any special projects
- have a higher level of computer knowledge to advise the Board of Directors on computer and website projects
- own a computer and be technically familiar with computer issues and able to learn website administration (
- perform other responsibilities as assigned by the Board